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Venn Connection Series

In the second part of our four-part series on energized peak performance, Co-Founder Matt Dubin talks with Kate Johnson, Olympic Silver Medalist turned Director of Sports & Entertainment Marketing at Google.

The science behind our work

If you haven’t heard of Flow, get ready to freak out. Or fall in love. Or feel like the universe just gave you the golden ticket.

In 1975, psychologist Mihály Csíkszentmihályi defined Flow for the world. In his terms, it is a mental state where one is fully immersed in an activity, experiencing energized focus and total enjoyment. Think for a minute about a performance you saw that was so breathtaking that you simply thought, “Wow.” Maybe a violinist made you weep, or Michael Jordan shrugged after hitting his sixth 3-pointer of the half in the NBA finals because even he couldn’t believe what he was doing.  That is Flow. That is transformation of performance into heights unthought of. But that state isn’t just for select performances. Flow can transform your organization, teams and people.  

See, you feel that ticket now, we know it.

Studies by research bodies like McKinsey have found that companies in higher states of Flow would double their productivity.

Individually, those who engage in Flow at work, have been recorded as five times more productive.

The Flow Genome Project found people in a state of Flow are seven times more creative (from writers to business owners).

Academic studies in 2021 also directly connected higher states of Flow with higher levels of well-being.